LM-Activator is a prefabricated appliance for supporting healthy growth and development of the face and jaw. The ideal time for treatment with LM-Activator is in early mixed dentition when the first teeth are changing. By intervening early, the need for further treatment can be significantly reduced and even eliminated. Research indicates that malocclusions in deciduous dentition persist and tend to become more severe as the dentition develops. LM-Activator provides soft guidance to teeth and jaws when needed. The four basic LM-Activator model features are: LOW and HIGH, and SHORT and LONG. The appliances are combinations of these features. All the models are available also for two arch widths: NARROW or WIDE. Also REINFORCED model with hard insert in the incisal area is available. The choice of model should always be based on an examination and diagnosis done by or under supervision of a specialist in orthodontic treatment. The appliance should always be fitted to the patient to ensure a good fit. Model with a longer molar section for patients whose second molars have erupted. Delivered in a blue box.
Package size: each of 1 x 1 each
Item no: 29926
Manufacturer code: 94045L
Manufacturer: LM-Instruments
Product: LM-DENTAL LM Activator low