Luxatemp Fluorescence is an esthetic, self-curing, bis-acrylic based (glass-fillers in methacrylate matrix) composite for temporary crowns, bridges, inlays/onlays and veneers. The fluorescence of Luxatemp-Fluorescence reflects light the same way as natural teeth. High flexural strength, thus Luxatemp is well-suited for long-term temporaries. The use of Vaseline or a similar separating medium is recommended (teeth, core build-ups, tissue). Use: Within 45s: insertion in the mouth. Within 2-3min from the start of the mix: remove from the mouth. After 6-7min from the start of the mix, finishing can be started. Easily polished, or alternatively coated with Luxatemp-Glaze & Bond. Available in six shades. Storage at 15–25°C. Eco-package contains: 5x 76g 10:1 automix cartridges: color A2, 75 automix-tips
0482Package size: pkg of 5 x 76 g
Item no: 64284
Manufacturer code: 110712
Manufacturer: DMG
Product: DGM Luxatemp Fluorescence